Friday, July 10, 2009

My Baby Girl

Exhausted. It really is amazing how much a 1 1/2 year old can completely wear you out. For now, I get about a 2 hour nap break during the day. I think I definitely need to start napping instead of racing around the house trying to do a million things during that time. I need a nap! It is Friday night, 7:45pm and I am already laying in bed watching TV!?! My-how life changes in such a short time! I do think about going out and having fun, being social, but when the time comes I am a NO-GO! I can't remember the last time I even stayed up 'till midnight! Don't say New Years because I haven't even rung in the New Year for the past couple of years. Am I what people consider a loser?? What will I be when I have another baby?? Okay, don't answer that.

Since I am on the kid can a 1 1/2 year old have so many opinions? Now we don't wear bibs, don't want to wear diapers or clothes, don't sit in stroller, barely get in the car seat, only like to wear shoes indoors?? When she is completely forced to wear shoes outside she only wants to wear one?? Really? Only wants to eat my food even though it is the same thing that is on her plate, I could really go on for days. My Mom claims that Alea acts like I did as a child, really? Is that why it took you a mear 6 years to have another?? Damn. So Alea got Tigey's looks (other than the tan skin) and my amazing personality! Good thing she is beyond adorable.

With this I am signing off...
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
—Robert A. Heinlein

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