Last week I was reading the lastest edition of Real Simple Magazine (love it!) and read this article about a woman whose mother kept a "God Box". Basically every time that someone she knew needed a little (or big) prayer she would write it on a scrap of paper and put it in her God Box. The woman states that when she was having a hard time and her mother told her that she would put it in the God Box it made her feel relieved that she no longer had to worry. She knew that God had her prayer in His hands and that He would do whatever she truly needed. When her mother died and the woman had to go through her mother's things she was surprised my ALL the "God Boxes" her mother had, each one filled to the rim with prayers. I loved this story. You can read it here.
Since having kids my weekly church attendance has disintegrated unfortunately. Getting 2 kids under the age of 3 dress, fed and to church by 9 well is an act of God in itself to say the least. I know that many of you do it and I am not trying to make an excuse and many of you have more than 2 little ones but I have fallen in this category. Of course I still pray everyday and read excerpts of the Bible (thanks to my phone that sends me verses daily ;). I love the God Box and have just started my own. Other than just praying and talking to God I think it is good for the soul to write things down. I believe that writing things down many times allows the body and mind to release their worries.
I hope this helps makes you smile, maybe you will start your own God Box and release your worries and give them to God. If you need me to add anything to my box let me know.....
This is a great story and idea! It makes me want to start my own God Box!